Third-Party Signed SSL Certificate for localhost or


You will never be issued a proper https cert for localhost. It is strictly forbidden. Because reasons.

In short:

  • Misconfigured devices actually exist, in the wild, that wait for lookups before resolving localhost from /etc/hosts
  • If a router defines it may cause localhost to resolve incorrectly (you’ve probably seen this class of error before)

You can create a root certificate and then create a so-called “self-signed” certificate, signed by the root ca you created. You’ll still get the ugly warning screen, but it’ll work. (points to

In lieu of actual localhost certs, I do what Eugene suggests – create a record on a public domain.

You can get free HTTPS certificates for via Let’s Encrypt via Just choose the DNS option instead of the HTTP File Upload option

Point your localhost.MY-SLD.MY-TLD to

  • Purchase a * cert and issue each installation a secret (and include it in the public suffix list to prevent attacks on
  • Use a greenlock-enabled app to generate such certificates on the fly (through directly on the client (or pass them to the client)

If you do not get included in the PSL note that:

  • sessions, localstorage, indexeddb, etc are shared by domain
  • changing the port does not change their sharedness

Be Your Own Root Certificate

Update: with things like greenlock that use ACME / Let’s Encrypt, this is no longer particularly relevant.

This is probably a really bad idea because we don’t want users becoming accustomed to installing Root CAs willy nilly (and we know how that turned out for Lenovo), but for corporate / cloned machines it may be a reasonable low-budget option.

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