IE8 losing session cookies in popup windows

This is ‘new’ functionality in IE8! Checkj out the IE8 blog below to read about it. IE8 can use multiple processes for handling an x number of IE windows. When you cross a process space, you loose your cookies (Asp.Net session ID seems to be retained over this process boundry). I personally think it’s … Read more

Send cookies with curl

You can use -b to specify a cookie file to read the cookies from as well. In many situations using -c and -b to the same file is what you want: curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt Further Using only -c will make curl start with no cookies but still parse and understand cookies and … Read more

Can two different browser share one cookie?

You can build a cookie-proxy by creating a Flash application and use Shared Objects (SO = Flash cookies) to store data. Any Browsers with Flash installed could retrieve the informations stored in the SO. But, it’s an ugly workaround. Just don’t share cookies… and find another way to build your website/app.

How cookies work?

Understanding Cookies Cookies are given to a browser by the server. The browser reveals the cookies as applicable only to the domain that provided the cookie in the first place. The data in the cookie allows the server to continue a conversation, so to speak. Without the cookie, the server considers the browser a first-time … Read more

Why won’t create cookies in localhost?

The cookie specs require two names and a dot between, so your cookiedomain cannot be “localhost”. Here’s how I solved it: Add this to your %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file: When developing you use instead of http://localhost Use “” as cookiedomain (with a dot in the beginning) when creating the cookie. Modern browsers doesn’t require … Read more

How does Facebook set cross-domain cookies for iFrames on canvas pages?

So the iFrame isn’t actually setting the u cookie for the domain. What Facebook does is it creates a form, <form action=”…” target=”name_of_iframe” method=”POST”> and uses javascript to submit the form on page load. Since the form’s target is the iframe, it doesn’t reload the page… it just loads the iframe with the POST’s … Read more

Setting a cookie using JavaFX’s WebEngine/WebView

I have managed to solve this issue with the help of Vasiliy Baranov from Oracle. Vasiliy wrote to me: Try putting the cookie into after the WebView is instantiated for the first time and before the call to WebEngine.load, e.g. as follows: WebView webView = new WebView(); URI uri = URI.create(“”); Map<String, List<String>> headers … Read more