Update cordova plugins in one command

I got tired of manually checking for plugin updates so created a tool to do it for me: https://github.com/dpa99c/cordova-check-plugins Install it globally: $ npm install -g cordova-check-plugins Then run from the root of your Cordova project. You can optionally update outdated plugins interactively or automatically, e.g. $ cordova-check-plugins –update=auto

How to handle Push notification when application is resumed?

I have faced the same issue. Simply put, PushPlugin does not support this feature now. But you can very easily modify it to suit your needs How it works now When a message is received by the plugin’s GCMIntentService, onMessage is called. This method fetches all the additional parameters passed to it, saving them in … Read more

How i can set User Agent in Cordova App

It depends on which version of cordova-android and cordova-ios you are using. You can check the platform cordova versions by running cordova platform list If you are using 4.0 and above versions for both iOS and Android you can set them in config.xml as stated in cordova documentation here <preference name=”OverrideUserAgent” value=”Mozilla/5.0 My Browser” /> … Read more

Cordova InAppBrowser – How to disable URL and Navigation Bar?

To remove the URL, just set the ‘location‘ option to “no“. var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(‘http://apache.org’, ‘_blank’, ‘location=no’); On Android, this removes the ‘Back/Forward’ buttons, URL and ‘Done’ button, not just the URL, but thankfully there’s a special Android-only ‘hideurlbar’ option to remove ONLY the URL. var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(‘http://apache.org’, ‘_blank’, ‘hideurlbar=yes’); The ‘Done’ button text … Read more

PhoneGap: Opening external URL’s in Safari

The best way to open links in a new URL is actually with window.open. Just set the target as “_system”: window.open(“http://stackoverflow.com”, “_system”); Before I found this in the docs, I actually wrote a plugin to do the same. I’m going to leave this answer here, because this would give you much more granular control over … Read more

Cordova, why would InAppBrowser plugin be required to open links in system browser

So I’m answering my own question with what I’ve found out. Note I’m only dealing with iOS and Android (with Crosswalk plugin) on Cordova 5.1.1, and it may not apply to other platforms/versions. InAppBrowser is required Even if you don’t need an embedded browser, InAppBrowser plugin is required. This makes the _system target available that … Read more