Bootstrap Grid System new line does not look nice

This is due to varying column height. You need a “clearfix” reset every 3 columns to force even wrapping. One way is to use the approach recommended by Bootstrap, or in this specific case you can use a simple CSS clearfix like this.. @media (min-width:992px) { .auto-clear .col-md-4:nth-child(3n+1){clear:left;} } Demo: For other “clearfix” scenarios … Read more

minmax fails (invalid property value)

When using auto-fill or auto-fit, there must be a definite min-size or max-size. By “definite”, the spec means: A size that can be determined without measuring content. When you set both minmax arguments to content-based size, like this: grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(auto, 1fr)); … that’s a violation of the spec because there is no definite … Read more

input type=”image” shows unwanted border in Chrome and broken link in IE7

You are using the image as a background. Why not set it as the src property of the button ? <input src=”” id=”searchsubmit” name=”searchsubmit” type=”image” value=”” tabindex=”2″/> When you set the type as image the input expects an src attribute as well.. Reference: and

Div width in cm (inch)

You can simply use the cm unit in CSS: #mydiv { width: 25cm; } Note that, as others pointed out, the result still depends on the correct reading of the monitor size by the operating system. See the spec for more information.

Making jagged triangle border in CSS

You can use gradients to create a zig-zag patterned background, use the ::after pseud-element to apply it like a border. .header{ color: white; background-color: #2B3A48; text-align: center; } .header::after { content: ” “; display: block; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 36px; background: linear-gradient(#2B3A48 0%, transparent 0%), linear-gradient(135deg, #272220 33.33%, transparent 33.33%) … Read more