highlight error cell or input when validation fails in jqgrid

The demo shows how the probelm can be solved: In the demo the columns “Amount”, “Tax” and “Total” will be validated with the following validation rule: editrules:{required:true,number:true} On any validation error the first input field where the validation failed dditional class “ui-state-error” will be added. It is the standard jQuery UI CSS class. Addionally I … Read more

Real-time data in a grid – better method

I find your question very interesting. I think the question could be interesting for many other users. So +1 from me. The usage of setInterval seams me the best way in common browser independent case. One should of cause save the result of setInterval in a variable to be able to use clearInterval to stop … Read more

Hide expand/collapse symbol or deactivate spec. rows in jqGrid subgrid

Hiding the ‘subgrid’ column with jQuery(“#grid_id”).hideCol(‘subgrid’); remove full column which can be used to expand or collapse the subgrid, so you can not use the way in your case. I suggest you to clear contain of the ‘subgrid’ column and unbind the ‘click’ event for the cells inside of loadComplete event handle: loadComplete: function() { … Read more