Translate X and Y percentage values based on elements height and width?

When using percentage in a transform translate on a non-SVG element, it refers to the width or height of itself. Take a look at (demo): One interesting thing about CSS transforms is that, when applying them with percentage values, they base that value on the dimensions of the element which they are being implemented … Read more

Convert percent string to float in pandas read_csv

You were very close with your df attempt. Try changing: df[‘col’] = df[‘col’].astype(float) to: df[‘col’] = df[‘col’].str.rstrip(‘%’).astype(‘float’) / 100.0 # ^ use str funcs to elim ‘%’ ^ divide by 100 # could also be: .str[:-1].astype(… Pandas supports Python’s string processing functions on string columns. Just precede the string function you want with .str and … Read more

jfreechart customize piechart to show absolute values and percentages

Use the MessageFormat symbol {1} for the absolute section value. See StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator for details. public class MyMinimalPieChartExample { private static final String KEY1 = “Datum 1”; public static final String KEY2 = “Datum 2”; public static void main(String[] args) { DefaultPieDataset dataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); dataset.setValue(KEY1, 99); dataset.setValue(KEY2, 77); JFreeChart someChart = ChartFactory.createPieChart( “Header”, dataset, … Read more

simple calculation not working for some reason

i checked the values while debugging and with FilesCompleted being 295 and TotalFilesCount being 25002 the returnvalue var is just 0, it should be 1 already. No, because all the arithmetic is being done with integers. So first this expression is evaluated: (FilesCompleted / TotalFilesCount) That’s 295 / 25002. The result of that integer arithmetic … Read more

Why percentage value within grid-gap create overflow in CSS grid?

Initially, we cannot resolve the percentage of the grid-gap since it depends on the height so we ignore it (we consider it as auto). The browser is first calculating the height considering content like this: console.log(document.querySelector(‘.grid’).offsetHeight) .grid { display: grid; background-color: blue; } .grid-1 { background-color: red; opacity:0.5; } <div class=”grid”> <div class=”grid-1″> test </div> … Read more