Spring MVC – HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException

Please make sure that you have the following in your Spring xml file: <context:annotation-config/> <bean id=”jacksonMessageConverter” class=”org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter”></bean> <bean class=”org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter”> <property name=”messageConverters”> <list> <ref bean=”jacksonMessageConverter”/> </list> </property> </bean> and all items of your POJO should have getters/setters. Hope it helps

JSON integers: limit on size

A JSON number is not limited by the spec. Since JSON is an abstract format that is not exclusively targeted at JavaScript, the actual target environment determines the boundaries of what can be interpreted. It’s also worth noting that there are no “JSON Integers”, they are a sub-set of the “Number” datatype.

Disable Hypertext Application Language (HAL) in JSON?

(Hyper)media types The default settings for Spring Data REST use HAL as the default hypermedia representation format, so the server will return the following for the given Accept headers: No header -> application/hal+json -> HAL application/hal+json -> application/hal+json -> HAL application/json -> application/json -> HAL (this is what the default configures) application/x-spring-data-verbose+json -> application/x-spring-data-verbose+json -> … Read more

Tool to generate JSON schema from JSON data [closed]

Summarising the other answers, here are the JSON schema generators proposed so far: Online: https://www.liquid-technologies.com/online-json-to-schema-converter (1 input) http://www.jsonschema.net (1 input) https://easy-json-schema.github.io (1 input) Python: https://github.com/gonvaled/jskemator (1 input but allows iteration) https://github.com/perenecabuto/json_schema_generator (1 input) https://github.com/rnd0101/json_schema_inferencer (1 input I think) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/genson/ (multiple inputs) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/skinfer (multiple inputs) NodeJS: https://github.com/Nijikokun/generate-schema (multiple inputs (pass object array)) https://github.com/easy-json-schema/easy-json-schema (1 input) https://github.com/aspecto-io/genson-js … Read more