To remove blood vessel [closed]

You could do something like this: A = imread (‘tFKeD.jpg’); C=bwlabel(A); IM2 = imcomplement(C); % // invert the image so that your objects are 1 se = strel(‘diamond’,3); % // Create a morphological object BW2 = imdilate(IM2,se); L=bwlabel(BW2); % // Label your objects E = regionprops(L,’area’); % // Get the respective area Area = cell2mat(struct2cell(E)); … Read more

Is there any standard rule for considering the best result or at which stage I have to stop train the data with minimum error

Normally, if you are using a neural network, you should not have too different results between different runs on the same training set. So, first of all, check that your algorithm is working correctly using some standard benchmark problems (like iris/wisconsin from UCI repository) Regarding when to stop the training, there are two options: 1. … Read more

MatLab (presented data) [closed]

You can pass a vector as the first input to plot and a matrix (with a dimension which matches the size of the first vector) as the second input and it will create a plot for each pairing of the first vector and each row/column of the second input. plot(X, Y, ‘o’) This will automatically … Read more