MYSQL Select MAX Date inside a join statement

Something like this… SELECT t1.received_id , t1.transaction_id , t1.date_modified , l.location FROM transactions t1 JOIN ( SELECT received_id, MAX(date_modified) maxmodify FROM transactions GROUP BY received_id) max_record ON max_record.received_id = t1.received_id AND max_record.maxmodify = t1.date_modified JOIN locations l ON l.location_id = t1.location_id JOIN received r ON r.received_id = t1.received_id WHERE t1.received_id = ‘1782’ ORDER BY t1.date_modified … Read more

CHECK constraint in MySQL is not working

MySQL 8.0.16 is the first version that supports CHECK constraints. Read If you use MySQL 8.0.15 or earlier, the MySQL Reference Manual says: The CHECK clause is parsed but ignored by all storage engines. Try a trigger… mysql> delimiter // mysql> CREATE TRIGGER trig_sd_check BEFORE INSERT ON Customer -> FOR EACH ROW -> BEGIN … Read more

conditional join in mysql

You can’t do it directly like that… you can do something like this though (not very pretty…): SELECT, t.type, AS id2, AS id3 FROM t LEFT JOIN t2 ON = AND t.type=”t2″ LEFT JOIN t3 ON = AND t.type=”t3″

What does the KEY keyword mean?

Quoting from create-table – indexes andkeys {INDEX|KEY} So KEY is usually an INDEX KEY is normally a synonym for INDEX. The key attribute PRIMARY KEY can also be specified as just KEY when given in a column definition. This was implemented for compatibility with other database systems.