MySQL – Subtracting value from previous row, group by

Working with MySQL variables is great, its like inline program variable assignments. First, the FROM clause “declares” the @ variables for you, defaulting to blank. Then query the records in the expected order you want them. It makes a single pass through the data instead of via repeated subqueries which can be time intensive.

For each row read, compare the @lastSN with the SN of the current record. If different, always return 0. If it IS the same, compute the simple difference. Only AFTER that compare is done, set the @lastSN and @lastValue equal to that of the current record for the next records comparison.

      EL.Value, --remove duplicate alias
      if( @lastSN = EL.SN, EL.Value - @lastValue, 0000.00 ) as Consumption,
      @lastSN := EL.SN,
      @lastValue := EL.Value
      EnergyLog EL,
      ( select @lastSN := 0,
               @lastValue := 0 ) SQLVars
   order by

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