How to search a specific value in all tables (PostgreSQL)?

How about dumping the contents of the database, then using grep? $ pg_dump –data-only –inserts -U postgres your-db-name > a.tmp $ grep United a.tmp INSERT INTO countries VALUES (‘US’, ‘United States’); INSERT INTO countries VALUES (‘GB’, ‘United Kingdom’); The same utility, pg_dump, can include column names in the output. Just change –inserts to –column-inserts. That … Read more

What to do with null values when modeling and normalizing?

SQL treats NULL specially per its version of 3VL (3-valued logic). Normalization & other relational theory does not. However, we can translate SQL designs into relational designs and back. (Assume no duplicate rows here.) Normalization happens to relations and is defined in terms of operators that don’t treat NULL specially. The term “normalization” has two … Read more

The forgotten assignment operator “=” and the commonplace “:=”

In PL/PgSQL parser, assignment operator is defined as assign_operator : ‘=’ | COLON_EQUALS ; This is a legacy feature, present in source code since 1998, when it was introduced – as we can see in the PostgreSQL Git repo. Starting from version 9.4 it is oficially documented. This idiosyncrasy – of having two operators for … Read more

INSERT with dynamic table name in trigger function

Modern PostgreSQL format() has a built-in way to escape identifiers. Simpler than before: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo_before() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN EXECUTE format(‘INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT $1.*’ , TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME || ‘shadow’) USING OLD; RETURN OLD; END $func$; Works with a VALUES expression as well. db<>fiddle here Old sqlfiddle Major points … Read more

How to log PostgreSQL queries?

In your data/postgresql.conf file, change the log_statement setting to ‘all’. Edit Looking at your new information, I’d say there may be a few other settings to verify: make sure you have turned on the log_destination variable make sure you turn on the logging_collector also make sure that the log_directory directory already exists inside of the … Read more

How do I specify a password to ‘psql’ non-interactively?

Set the PGPASSWORD environment variable inside the script before calling psql PGPASSWORD=pass1234 psql -U MyUsername myDatabaseName For reference, see Edit Since Postgres 9.2 there is also the option to specify a connection string or URI that can contain the username and password. Syntax is: $ psql postgresql://[user[:password]@][host][:port][,…][/dbname][?param1=value1&…] Using that is a security risk because … Read more