How to disable or hide scrollbar/minimap?

Remove Minimap Add the following to your settings.json file “editor.minimap.enabled”: false Note that, as pointed out in another answer, this process has now been simplified to: View->Show Minimap Remove the Overview Ruler Add the following to your settings.json file “editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler”: true This will keep the scrollbar, but will result in it only appearing when the … Read more

How to edit existing VS Code Snippets

The extensions snippets can be found inside each snippet directory below: (if there are snippets in the extension) Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions/ Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions/ Select the extension you want to modify and then dive into the javascript.json file in snippets/ directory in there, and change whatever you like. Just remember that if/when you choose to download and … Read more

How to disable “just my code” setting in VSCode debugger?

Just adding “justMyCode”: false to launch.json doesn’t work. You need to add a separate config in launch.json like below. FYI each {} represents a config. “configurations”: [ { …. # existing config }, { “name”: “Debug Unit Test”, “type”: “python”, “request”: “test”, “justMyCode”: false, } ] As pointed out in here