Types from both keys and values of object in Typescript

The compiler will widen string literal type to string, unless some specific conditions are met as explained in github issues and PR, or const assertion is used for literal value. Const assertions appeared in TypeScript 3.4:

const KeyToVal = {
    MyKey1: 'myValue1',
    MyKey2: 'myValue2',
} as const;

type Keys = keyof typeof KeyToVal;
type Values = typeof KeyToVal[Keys]; //  "myValue1" | "myValue2"

Prior to 3.4, there was a workaround to get the same effect. To make the compiler infer literal types, you had to pass your object through a function with appropriately crafted generic type parameters, this one seems to do the trick for this case:

function t<V extends string, T extends {[key in string]: V}>(o: T): T {return o}

The whole purpose of this function is to capture and preserve types to enable type inference, it’s entirely useless otherwise, but with it you can have

const KeyToVal = t({
    MyKey1: 'myValue1',
    MyKey2: 'myValue2',

type Keys = keyof typeof KeyToVal;
type Values = typeof KeyToVal[Keys]; //  "myValue1" | "myValue2"

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