Understanding async / await in C#

I recommend you start out with my intro to async/await and follow-up with the official Microsoft documentation on TAP.

As I mention in my intro blog post, there are several Task members that are holdovers from the TPL and have no use in pure async code. new Task and Task.Start should be replaced with Task.Run (or TaskFactory.StartNew). Similarly, Thread.Sleep should be replaced with Task.Delay.

Finally, I recommend that you do not use Task.WaitAll; your Console app should just Wait on a single Task which uses Task.WhenAll. With all these changes, your code would look like:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    public static async Task MainAsync()
        Task task1 = Task1();
        Task task2 = Task2();

        await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);

        Debug.WriteLine("Finished main method");

    public static async Task Task1()
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        Debug.WriteLine("Finished Task1");

    public static async Task Task2()
        await Task.Delay(10000);
        Debug.WriteLine("Finished Task2");

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