Understanding SpriteKit CollisionBitMask

BitMasks are flags used to describe an item in a binary format

so imagine you have 8 ways to describe something. (In Spritekit you have 32)

We can fit these 8 things into a single byte, since 8 bits are in a byte, allowing us to save space and perform operations faster.

Here is an example of 8 descriptions

Attackable 1 << 0  
Ranged     1 << 1  
Undead     1 << 2  
Magic      1 << 3  
Regenerate 1 << 4  
Burning    1 << 5  
Frozen     1 << 6  
Poison     1 << 7  

Now I have an archer and want to classify him. I want to say he is a living friendly unit that is ranged

I would use the categoryBitmask to classify him:

archer.categoryBitmask = Ranged

This would be represented in 1 byte as

||||||||_ Attackable
|||||||_ Ranged
||||||_ Undead
|||||_ Magic
||||_ Regenerate
|||_ Burning
||_ Frozen
|_ Poison

Now let’s say his arrows are fire arrows, I would classify this like:

arrow.categoryBitmask = Burning

||||||||_ Attackable
|||||||_ Ranged
||||||_ Undead
|||||_ Magic
||||_ Regenerate
|||_ Burning
||_ Frozen
|_ Poison

and finally, we have a zombie that can be hit and regenerates over time

zombie.categoryBitmask = Attackable + Undead + Regenerate

||||||||_ Attackable
|||||||_ Ranged
||||||_ Undead
|||||_ Magic
||||_ Regenerate
|||_ Burning
||_ Frozen
|_ Poison

Now I want my arrow to only hit Attackable sprites (zombie in this case)

I would set the contactTestBitmask to tell the arrow what he can hit

arrow.contactTestBitmask = Attackable 00000001

Now we need to check when an arrow hits a zombie, this is where didBeginContact comes in

What didBeginContact will do, is check the contactTestBitmask of the moving item to the categoryBitmask that it hits by using an AND operation to find a match

In our case

arrow.contactTestBitmask =  00000001
zombie.categoryMask      =  00010101 AND

Since our value is > 0, a contact was successful.

This means didBegins fired.

Now that we are in didBegins, we need to determine which physics body is our arrow, and which physics body is our zombie

this is where this next statement comes in

func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {

    // 1
    var firstBody: SKPhysicsBody
    var secondBody: SKPhysicsBody
    if contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask < contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask {
        firstBody = contact.bodyA
        secondBody = contact.bodyB
    } else {
        firstBody = contact.bodyB
        secondBody = contact.bodyA

Since arrow = 00100000 and zombie = 00010101, we know that zombie has a lower value than arrow, so in this case, zombie is < arrow.

We assign firstBody to zombie, and secondBody to arrow

Now we need to provide a condition.

We want to say if an undead being is hit by a burnable object, do something.

So in code this would be

if (firstBody & Undead > 0) && (secondBody & Burning > 0)
//burn zombie

But what if the arrow was a ice arrow? We do not want to go into that if statement.

Well now we can add a second condition to allow us to freeze the zombie.

if (firstBody & Undead > 0) && (secondBody & Frozen > 0)
//freeze zombie

What these ifs are doing, is making sure that the body has certain features turned on, and then perform some action in response to them.

To find out more about how bitmasks work, I would research how to do truth tables. That is essentially what this comes down to. We are just creating a few truth tables, and trying to figure out if a statement is true, and if it is true, perform an action.

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