Unicode console I/O in Haskell on Windows

I thought I would answer my own question, and list as one possible answer, the following, which is what I’m actually doing at the moment. It is quite possible that one can do better, which is why I’m asking the question! But I thought it would make sense to make the following available to people. It’s basically a translation from Python to Haskell of this python workaround for the same issue. It uses ‘option B’ mentioned in the question.

The basic idea is that you create a module IOUtil.hs, with the following content, which you can import into your code:

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module IOUtil (
  IOUtil.putChar, IOUtil.putStr, IOUtil.putStrLn, IOUtil.print,
  IOUtil.getChar, IOUtil.getLine, IOUtil.getContents, IOUtil.readIO,
  ePutChar, ePutStr, ePutStrLn, ePrint,
  trace, traceIO
  ) where

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS

import Foreign.C.Types (CWchar)
import Foreign
import Prelude hiding (getContents, putStr, putStrLn) --(IO, Read, Show, String)
--import qualified System.IO
import qualified System.IO (getContents)
import System.IO hiding (getContents, putStr, putStrLn)
import Data.Char (ord)

 {- <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683231(VS.85).aspx>
    HANDLE WINAPI GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle);
    returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, or a valid handle -}

foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetStdHandle" win32GetStdHandle :: DWORD -> IO (HANDLE)

std_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 :: DWORD  -- all DWORD arithmetic is performed modulo 2^n
std_ERROR_HANDLE  = -12 :: DWORD

 {- <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364960(VS.85).aspx>
    DWORD WINAPI GetFileType(HANDLE hFile); -}

foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetFileType" win32GetFileType :: HANDLE -> IO (DWORD)
_FILE_TYPE_CHAR   = 0x0002 :: DWORD

 {- <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683167(VS.85).aspx>
    BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsole, LPDWORD lpMode); -}

foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetConsoleMode" win32GetConsoleMode :: HANDLE -> LPDWORD -> IO (BOOL)

is_a_console :: HANDLE -> IO (Bool)
is_a_console handle
  = if (handle == _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then return False
      else do ft <- win32GetFileType handle
              if ((ft .&. complement _FILE_TYPE_REMOTE) /= _FILE_TYPE_CHAR) then return False
                else do ptr <- malloc
                        cm  <- win32GetConsoleMode handle ptr
                        free ptr
                        return cm

real_stdout :: IO (Bool)
real_stdout = is_a_console =<< win32GetStdHandle std_OUTPUT_HANDLE

real_stderr :: IO (Bool)
real_stderr = is_a_console =<< win32GetStdHandle std_ERROR_HANDLE

 {- BOOL WINAPI WriteConsoleW(HANDLE hOutput, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD nChars,
                              LPDWORD lpCharsWritten, LPVOID lpReserved); -}

foreign import stdcall unsafe "WriteConsoleW" win32WriteConsoleW

data ConsoleInfo = ConsoleInfo Int (Ptr CWchar) (Ptr DWORD) HANDLE

writeConsole :: ConsoleInfo -> [Char] -> IO ()
writeConsole (ConsoleInfo bufsize buf written handle) string
  = let fillbuf :: Int -> [Char] -> IO ()
        fillbuf i [] = emptybuf buf i []
        fillbuf i remain@(first:rest)
          | i + 1 < bufsize && ordf <= 0xffff = do pokeElemOff buf i asWord
                                                   fillbuf (i+1) rest
          | i + 1 < bufsize && ordf >  0xffff = do pokeElemOff buf i word1
                                                   pokeElemOff buf (i+1) word2
                                                   fillbuf (i+2) rest
          | otherwise                         = emptybuf buf i remain
          where ordf   = ord first
                asWord = fromInteger (toInteger ordf) :: CWchar
                sub    = ordf - 0x10000
                word1' = ((shiftR sub 10) .&. 0x3ff) + 0xD800
                word2' = (sub .&. 0x3FF)             + 0xDC00
                word1  = fromInteger . toInteger $ word1'
                word2  = fromInteger . toInteger $ word2'

        emptybuf :: (Ptr CWchar) -> Int -> [Char] -> IO ()
        emptybuf _ 0 []     = return ()
        emptybuf _ 0 remain = fillbuf 0 remain
        emptybuf ptr nLeft remain
          = do let nLeft'    = fromInteger . toInteger $ nLeft
               ret          <- win32WriteConsoleW handle ptr nLeft' written nullPtr
               nWritten     <- peek written
               let nWritten' = fromInteger . toInteger $ nWritten
               if ret && (nWritten > 0)
                  then emptybuf (ptr `plusPtr` (nWritten' * szWChar)) (nLeft - nWritten') remain
                  else fail "WriteConsoleW failed.\n"

    in  fillbuf 0 string

szWChar = sizeOf (0 :: CWchar)

makeConsoleInfo :: DWORD -> Handle -> IO (Either ConsoleInfo Handle)
makeConsoleInfo nStdHandle fallback
  = do handle     <- win32GetStdHandle nStdHandle
       is_console <- is_a_console handle
       let bufsize = 10000
       if not is_console then return $ Right fallback
         else do buf     <- mallocBytes (szWChar * bufsize)
                 written <- malloc
                 return . Left $ ConsoleInfo bufsize buf written handle

{-# NOINLINE stdoutConsoleInfo #-}
stdoutConsoleInfo :: Either ConsoleInfo Handle
stdoutConsoleInfo = unsafePerformIO $ makeConsoleInfo std_OUTPUT_HANDLE stdout

{-# NOINLINE stderrConsoleInfo #-}
stderrConsoleInfo :: Either ConsoleInfo Handle
stderrConsoleInfo = unsafePerformIO $ makeConsoleInfo std_ERROR_HANDLE stderr

interact     :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
interact f   = do s <- getContents
                  putStr (f s)

conPutChar ci  = writeConsole ci . replicate 1
conPutStr      = writeConsole
conPutStrLn ci = writeConsole ci . ( ++ "\n")

putChar      :: Char -> IO ()
putChar      = (either conPutChar  hPutChar ) stdoutConsoleInfo

putStr       :: String -> IO ()
putStr       = (either conPutStr   hPutStr  ) stdoutConsoleInfo

putStrLn     :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn     = (either conPutStrLn hPutStrLn) stdoutConsoleInfo

print        :: Show a => a -> IO ()
print        = putStrLn . show

getChar      = System.IO.getChar
getLine      = System.IO.getLine
getContents  = System.IO.getContents

readIO       :: Read a => String -> IO a
readIO       = System.IO.readIO

readLn       :: Read a => IO a
readLn       = System.IO.readLn

ePutChar     :: Char -> IO ()
ePutChar     = (either conPutChar  hPutChar ) stderrConsoleInfo

ePutStr     :: String -> IO ()
ePutStr      = (either conPutStr   hPutStr  ) stderrConsoleInfo

ePutStrLn   :: String -> IO ()
ePutStrLn    = (either conPutStrLn hPutStrLn) stderrConsoleInfo

ePrint       :: Show a => a -> IO ()
ePrint       = ePutStrLn . show


import qualified System.IO
import Prelude (IO, Read, Show, String)

interact     = System.IO.interact
putChar      = System.IO.putChar
putStr       = System.IO.putStr
putStrLn     = System.IO.putStrLn
getChar      = System.IO.getChar
getLine      = System.IO.getLine
getContents  = System.IO.getContents
ePutChar     = System.IO.hPutChar System.IO.stderr
ePutStr      = System.IO.hPutStr System.IO.stderr
ePutStrLn    = System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr

print        :: Show a => a -> IO ()
print        = System.IO.print

readIO       :: Read a => String -> IO a
readIO       = System.IO.readIO

readLn       :: Read a => IO a
readLn       = System.IO.readLn

ePrint       :: Show a => a -> IO ()
ePrint       = System.IO.hPrint System.IO.stderr


trace :: String -> a -> a
trace string expr = unsafePerformIO $ do
    traceIO string
    return expr

traceIO :: String -> IO ()
traceIO = ePutStrLn

then, you use the I/O functions therein contained instead of the standard library ones. They will detect whether output is redirected; if not (i.e. if we’re writing to a ‘real’ console) then we’ll bypass the usual Haskell I/O functions and write directly to the win32 console using WriteConsoleW, the unicode-aware win32 console function. On non-windows platforms, conditional compilation means that the functions here just call the standard-library ones.

If you need to print to stderr, you should use (e.g.) ePutStrLn, not hPutStrLn stderr; we don’t define a hPutStrLn. (Defining one is an exercise for the reader!)

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