Unit testing with EF Core and in memory database

It looks like you might want a class fixture.

When to use: when you want to create a single test context and share it among all the tests in the class, and have it cleaned up after all the tests in the class have finished.

Create a separate class to setup whatever data your tests will share, and to clean it up when the tests are finished running.

public class MovieSeedDataFixture : IDisposable
    public MovieDbContext MovieContext { get; private set; } = new MovieDbContext();

    public MovieSeedDataFixture()
        MovieContext.Movies.Add(new Movie { Id = 1, Title = "Movie 1", YearOfRelease = 2018, Genre = "Action" });
        MovieContext.Movies.Add(new Movie { Id = 2, Title = "Movie 2", YearOfRelease = 2018, Genre = "Action" });
        MovieContext.Movies.Add(new Movie { Id = 3, Title = "Movie 3", YearOfRelease = 2019, Genre = "Action" });

    public void Dispose()

Then use it in your tests by extending the IClassFixture<T> interface.

public class UnitTests : IClassFixture<MovieSeedDataFixture>
    MovieSeedDataFixture fixture;

    public UnitTests(MovieSeedDataFixture fixture)
        this.fixture = fixture;

    public void TestOne()
        // use fixture.MovieContext in your tests


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