Using Bootstrap for Angular and Material design for Angular together

If you add both bootstrap & angular-material this is what will happen

  1. Both have css which will target your front end elements (e.g. input
    element, buttons)

  2. Each have their own look & feel (i.e. Bootstrap input element is different from Material input element). So, your overall project won’t have one single look & feel.

  3. If you add both you will have to take care of css styles overriding others on common parts (e.g. font size & font family).

  4. Angular-material handles front end elements in angular way ( directive)
    So when they release a new version (29 releases so far), you will have to spent some time testing your earlier code (e.g.they changed $media to $mdMedia for handling sideMenu). I’ve spent a lot of time finding why my sideMenu stopped working!.

  5. You overall size of project dependencies will increased if you are using two front end frameworks.

    Angular-material needs its own dependencies like ‘angular-animate’ &

Talking about your “md-cards” there are “panels” in bootstrap you might wanna have a look here

I would recommend you stick to one thing either bootstrap or angular-material. Both are awesome just dont mix them.

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