ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping

I’ve implemented a ViewPager/PagerAdapter that can allow for pseudo-infinite paging behaviour. It works by specifying a very large number as the actual count, but maps them to the actual range of the dataset/pageset. It offsets the beginning by a large number also so that you can immediately scroll to the left from the ‘first’ page.

It doesn’t work so well once you get to 1,000,000th page (you will see graphical glitches when scrolling), but this is typically not a real-world use-case. I could fix this by resetting the count to a lower number once in a while, but I will leave it how it is for now.

The InfinitePagerAdapter wraps an existing ViewPager, and so the usage is quite transparent. The InfiniteViewPager does does a bit of work to make sure you can potentially scroll to the left and right many times.

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