weird delay of the output of an object when followed by start-sleep (or until script end)


  • If a command’s output results in automatic tabular display (implicit Format-Table), display output can situationally be delayed for up to 300 ms. (see below for why and when), which can have two unexpected effects:

    • As in the question, a subsequent Start-Sleep submitted before the delay has elapsed further delays output for (at least) the duration of the sleep – it effectively suspends completing the 300 ms. wait.

    • A subsequent Write-Host or Out-Host call can produce output that unexpectedly comes first.

  • You can force synchronous display output by piping the command to Out-Host or to Format-Table explicitly (or any of the other Format-* cmdlets).

    • However, doing so means producing for-display output only, which means you lose the ability to (meaningfully) capture or relay the command’s output.
# The Out-Host forces instant display, before sleeping starts.
# However, use of Out-Host means you can't capture the output.
[pscustomobject] @{message="hi"} | Out-Host; sleep 5

The behavior is explained by the infamous PSv5+ asynchronous behavior of implicitly applied Format-Table output: For data types without predefined formatting data that have 4 or fewer properties (which is what auto-selects table display), it waits for up to 300 msecs. before displaying output, in an effort to determine suitable column widths.

If you use Start-Sleep before that period has elapsed, you suspend waiting for as long as you’re sleeping.

Output objects that happen not to trigger implicit Format-Table formatting are not affected, however:

# Immediate output, before sleeping ends:

# Out-of-band formatting of a .NET primitive.
PS> 1; Start-Sleep 5

# Implicit Format-*List* formatting due to having 5+ properties.
PS> [pscustomobject]@{a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4; e=5}; sleep 10

By contrast, because your command’s output is an object with just 1 property and its type ([pscustomobject]) has no predefined formatting data associated with it, it triggers implicit Format-Table formatting and therefore exhibits the problem.

In short: The following command outputs are affected, because they select implicit Format-Table output while lacking predefined column widths, necessitating the delay:

  • objects whose type happens to have 4 or fewer properties

  • if those types have no associated predefined formatting data (see about_Format.ps1xml), which is generally true for [pscustomobject] instances.

    • Additionally, but far less commonly, types with formatting data that default to table view but don’t have column widths predefined, are also affected (e.g., the System.Guid type instances that New-Guid outputs).

Types without formatting data that have 5 or more properties default to implicitly applied Format-List, where, due to line-by-line output, there’s no need to determine useful column widths, and therefore no delay.

Note that this is only a display problem, and that if the command is captured or sent to a pipeline the data is immediately output (though the command won’t finish overall until the Start-Sleep period has elapsed):

# The ForEach-Object command's script block receives the [pscustomobject]
# instance right away (and itself prints it *immediately* to the display, 
# due to outputting a *string* (which never triggers the asynchronous behavior).
& { [pscustomobject]@{message="hi"}; sleep 5 } | ForEach-Object { "[$_]" }

While there are several ways to force synchronous (immediate) display output, they all change the fundamental behavior of the command:

# Piping to Out-Host:
# Directly prints to the *display* (host).
# No way for a caller to capture the result or for processing
# the result in a pipeline.
[pscustomobject]@{message="hi"} | Out-Host; sleep 5

# Using Write-Host:
# Prints directly to the *display* (host) by default.
# While it *is* possible to capture the result via output stream 6.
# the information stream (6> file.txt), that output:
#  * is invariably converted to *strings*
#  * and the string representation does *not* use the friendly default
#    output formatting; instead, the objects are stringified with simple
#    [psobject.].ToString() calls, which results in a much less friendly
#    representation.
Write-Host ([pscustomobject]@{message="hi"}); sleep 5

# Piping to a Format-* cmdlet explicitly:
# While this does write to the success-output stream (stream number 1),
# as the command would by default, what is written isn't the original
# objects, but *formatting instructions*, which are useless for further
# programmatic processing.
# However, for redirecting the output to a file with Out-File or >
# this makes no difference, because they convert the formatting instructions
# to the strings you would see on the screen by default.
# By contrast, using Set-Content or any other cmdlet that expects actual data
# would not work meaningfully.
[pscustomobject]@{message="hi"} | Format-Table; sleep 5

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