What is happening in this C++ code in C++ (Exponent Function)

So what I don’t understand is how he picks int result = 1; out of nowhere? Why not = 2?

That is so it’s not always 0 if he multiplies the result in the for loop. 0 * 2 –> 0

About the for loop itself:

  1. Iteration: 1 * 2 –> 2 / i = 0
  2. Iteration: 2 * 2 –> 4 / i = 1
  3. Iteration: 4 * 2 –> 8 / i = 2
  4. Iteration: i = 3 / is not smaller than 3 leaves the for-loop

At the end he leaves the function and returns the result which is now 8.

For the for-loop, getting the the power of 3 with a base of 2, gives back the same as if you would just multiple 2 * 2 * 2.

That is exactly what the for-loop does you go through and do the first multiplication 1 * 2, on the second iteration you calculate you multiply the result again 2 * 2, then you go through again and calculate the next iteration 4 * 2 which then gets you the desired result

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