What is NSLayoutConstraint “UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height” and how should I go about forcing it to recalculate cleanly?

Try to lower the priority of your _collapsedtextHeightConstraint to 999. That way the system supplied UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height constraint always takes precedence.

It is based on what you return in -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. Make sure to return the right value and your own constraint and the generated one should be the same. The lower priority for your own constraint is only needed temporarily to prevent conflicts while collapse/expand animations are in flight.

Addition: While it may be debatable if the system supplied constraint is correct or not, there’s no point in fighting the framework. Simply accept that the system constraint takes precedence. If you think the system constraint is wrong, make sure to return the correct rowHeight from the delegate.

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