What is the difference between getWidth/Height() and getMeasuredWidth/Height() in Android SDK?

As the name suggests the measuredWidth/height is used during measuring and layoutting phase.

Let me give an example,

A widget is asked to measure itself, The widget says that it wants to be 200px by 200px. This is measuredWidth/height.

During the layout phase, i.e. in onLayout method. The method can use the measuredWidth/height of its children or assign a new width/height by calling layout method of the view.

lets say the onLayout method calls childview.layout(0,0,150,150) now the width/height of the view is different than the measured width/height.

I would suggest not to use the measuredWidth/height outside onLayout method.

to summarize .

  1. onMeasure -> sets up measuredWidth/measuredHeight
  2. onLayout -> sets up the width/height of the widget.

public void View.layout(int l, int t, int r, int b)
seems to be place where the assignment of position and size happens.

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