What is the difference between two declarations of module in javascript?

Functions are of two types in JavaScript – declarations and expressions.

This is the difference between the two:

  1. Function declarations are hoisted. This means you can call the function before it appears in the program as declarations in JavaScript are hoisted.
  2. Function expressions can be invoked immediately. A function declaration cannot. This is because expressions express (or return a value). Function expressions express a function.

An example of a function declaration:


function foo(bar) {
    alert("foo" + bar);

The above program will work because foo is a function declaration.

foo("bar"); // throws an error, foo is undefined - not a function

var foo = function (bar) {
    alert("foo" + bar);

The above program will not work as foo is declared as undefined, hoisted and then later assigned the value of a function expression. Hence it’s undefined when it’s called.

An example of a function expression:

(function (bar) {
    alert("foo" + bar);

The above function will be immediately invoked as it’s a function expression.

function (bar) {
    alert("foo" + bar);
}("bar"); // throws an error, can't call undefined

The above function will not be immediately invoked as it’s a function declaration. Remember, declarations do not express (or return a value). So it’s like trying to invoke undefined as a function.

How does a function become an expression?

If a function is used in the context where an expression is expected then it’s treated as an expression. Otherwise it’s treated as a declaration.

Expressions are expected when:

  1. You’re assigning a value to a variable (i.e. identifier = expression).
  2. Inside parentheses (i.e. ( expression )).
  3. As an operand of an operator (i.e. operator expression).

Hence the following are all function expressions:

var foo = function () {};
(function () {});
~function () {};

Everything else is a function declaration. In short if your function is not preceded by anything, it’s a declaration.

See this code: https://github.com/aaditmshah/codemirror-repl/blob/master/scripts/index.js#L94

The following function isExpression is used to test whether some arbitrary JavaScript code is an expression or not:

function isExpression(code) {
    if (/^\s*function\s/.test(code)) return false;

    try {
        Function("return " + code);
        return true;
    } catch (error) {
        return false;

Hope this clears any doubts in your mind.

In short:

  1. A function expression expresses or returns a value (in this case a function). Hence it can be immediately invoked, but it can’t be called before it appears in the program.
  2. A function declaration is hoisted. Hence it can be called before it appears in the program. However since it doesn’t express any value it can’t be immediately invoked.

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