What is the general concept behind XSS?

As the answers on how XSS can be malicious are already given, I’ll only answer the following question left unanswered:

how can i prevent XSS from happening on my websites ?

As to preventing from XSS, you need to HTML-escape any user-controlled input when they’re about to be redisplayed on the page. This includes request headers, request parameters and any stored user-controlled input which is to be served from a database. Especially the <, >, " and ' needs to be escaped, because it can malform the surrounding HTML code where this input is been redisplayed.

Almost any view technolgy provides builtin ways to escape HTML (or XML, that’s also sufficient) entities.

In PHP you can do that with htmlspecialchars(). E.g.

<input name="foo" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($foo); ?>">

If you need to escape singlequotes with this as well, you’ll need to supply the ENT_QUOTES argument, also see the aforelinked PHP documentation.

In JSP you can do that with JSTL <c:out> or fn:escapeXml(). E.g.

<input name="foo" value="<c:out value="${param.foo}" />">


<input name="foo" value="${fn:escapeXml(param.foo)}">

Note that you actually don’t need to escape XSS during request processing, but only during response processing. Escaping during request processing is not needed and it may malform the user input sooner or later (and as being a site admin you’d also like to know what the user in question has actually entered so that you can take social actions if necessary). With regard to SQL injections, just only escape it during request processing at the moment when the data is about to be persisted in the database.

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