What is the purpose of the return statement? How is it different from printing?

The print() function writes, i.e., “prints”, a string in the console. The return statement causes your function to exit and hand back a value to its caller. The point of functions in general is to take in inputs and return something. The return statement is used when a function is ready to return a value to its caller.

For example, here’s a function utilizing both print() and return:

def foo():
    print("hello from inside of foo")
    return 1

Now you can run code that calls foo, like so:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("going to call foo")
    x = foo()
    print("called foo")
    print("foo returned " + str(x))

If you run this as a script (e.g. a .py file) as opposed to in the Python interpreter, you will get the following output:

going to call foo
hello from inside foo
called foo   
foo returned 1

I hope this makes it clearer. The interpreter writes return values to the console so I can see why somebody could be confused.

Here’s another example from the interpreter that demonstrates that:

>>> def foo():
...     print("hello from within foo")
...     return 1
>>> foo()
hello from within foo
>>> def bar():
...   return 10 * foo()
>>> bar()
hello from within foo

You can see that when foo() is called from bar(), 1 isn’t written to the console. Instead it is used to calculate the value returned from bar().

print() is a function that causes a side effect (it writes a string in the console), but execution resumes with the next statement. return causes the function to stop executing and hand a value back to whatever called it.

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