What is the solution for the N+1 issue in JPA and Hibernate?

The problem

The N+1 query issue happens when you forget to fetch an association and then you need to access it.

For instance, let’s assume we have the following JPA query:

List<PostComment> comments = entityManager.createQuery("""
    select pc
    from PostComment pc
    where pc.review = :review
    """, PostComment.class)
.setParameter("review", review)

Now, if we iterate the PostComment entities and traverse the post association:

for(PostComment comment : comments) {
    LOGGER.info("The post title is '{}'", comment.getPost().getTitle());

Hibernate will generate the following SQL statements:

SELECT pc.id AS id1_1_, pc.post_id AS post_id3_1_, pc.review AS review2_1_
FROM   post_comment pc
WHERE  pc.review = 'Excellent!'

INFO - Loaded 3 comments

SELECT pc.id AS id1_0_0_, pc.title AS title2_0_0_
FROM   post pc
WHERE  pc.id = 1

INFO - The post title is 'Post nr. 1'

SELECT pc.id AS id1_0_0_, pc.title AS title2_0_0_
FROM   post pc
WHERE  pc.id = 2

INFO - The post title is 'Post nr. 2'

SELECT pc.id AS id1_0_0_, pc.title AS title2_0_0_
FROM   post pc
WHERE  pc.id = 3

INFO - The post title is 'Post nr. 3'

That’s how the N+1 query issue is generated.

Because the post association is not initialized when fetching the PostComment entities, Hibernate must fetch the Post entity with a secondary query, and for N PostComment entities, N more queries are going to be executed (hence the N+1 query problem).

The fix

The first thing you need to do to tackle this issue is to add [proper SQL logging and monitoring][1]. Without logging, you won’t notice the N+1 query issue while developing a certain feature.

Second, to fix it, you can just JOIN FETCH the relationship causing this issue:

List<PostComment> comments = entityManager.createQuery("""
    select pc
    from PostComment pc
    join fetch pc.post p
    where pc.review = :review
    """, PostComment.class)
.setParameter("review", review)

If you need to fetch multiple child associations, it’s better to fetch one collection in the initial query and the second one with a secondary SQL query.

How to automatically detect the N+1 query issue

This issue is better to be caught by integration tests.

You can use an automatic JUnit assert to validate the expected count of generated SQL statements. The db-util project already provides this functionality, and it’s open-source and the dependency is available on Maven Central.

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