What object javascript function is bound to (what is its “this”)?

Partial Application

You can do partial application:

// This lets us call the slice method as a function
// on an array-like object.
var slice = Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice);

function partial(f/*, ...args */) {

    if (typeof f != 'function')
        throw new TypeError('Function expected');

    var args = slice(arguments, 1);

    return function(/* ...moreArgs */) {
        return f.apply(this, args.concat(slice(arguments)));


What Object is this Function Bound To?

Additionally, there’s a pretty straight-forward solution to the first part of your question. Not sure if this is an option for you, but you can pretty easily monkey-patch things in JS. Monkey-patching bind is totally possible.

var _bind = Function.prototype.apply.bind(Function.prototype.bind);
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'bind', {
    value: function(obj) {
        var boundFunction = _bind(this, arguments);
        boundFunction.boundObject = obj;
        return boundFunction;

Just run that before any other scripts get run, and any script which uses bind, it will automatically add a boundObject property to the function:

function f() { }
var o = { };
var g = f.bind(o);
g.boundObject === o; // true

(Note: I’m assuming you’re in an ES5 environment above due to the fact that you’re using bind.)

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