What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large

I see values from at least a handful of different enumerations in there…

My first thought was to approach the problem by splitting the permissions up in logical groups (RuleGroupPermissions, RulePermissions, LocationPermissions, …), and then having a class (WebAgentPermissions) exposing a property for each permission enum type.

Since the permission values seem repetitive, you could probably get away with a single enum in the end:

public enum Permissions
    View = 1,
    Add = 2,
    Edit = 4,
    Delete = 8

And then have the WebAgentPermissions class expose a property for each area where permissions are to be set;

class WebAgentPermissions
    public Permissions RuleGroup { get; set; }
    public Permissions Rule { get; set; }
    public Permissions Location { get; set; }
    // and so on...

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