What’s the difference between Spring Data’s MongoTemplate and MongoRepository?

“Convenient” and “powerful to use” are contradicting goals to some degree. Repositories are by far more convenient than templates but the latter of course give you more fine-grained control over what to execute.

As the repository programming model is available for multiple Spring Data modules, you’ll find more in-depth documentation for it in the general section of the Spring Data MongoDB reference docs.


We generally recommend the following approach:

  1. Start with the repository abstract and just declare simple queries using the query derivation mechanism or manually defined queries.
  2. For more complex queries, add manually implemented methods to the repository (as documented here). For the implementation use MongoTemplate.


For your example this would look something like this:

  1. Define an interface for your custom code:

    interface CustomUserRepository {
      List<User> yourCustomMethod();
  2. Add an implementation for this class and follow the naming convention to make sure we can find the class.

    class UserRepositoryImpl implements CustomUserRepository {
      private final MongoOperations operations;
      public UserRepositoryImpl(MongoOperations operations) {
        Assert.notNull(operations, "MongoOperations must not be null!");
        this.operations = operations;
      public List<User> yourCustomMethod() {
        // custom implementation here
  3. Now let your base repository interface extend the custom one and the infrastructure will automatically use your custom implementation:

    interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>, CustomUserRepository {

This way you essentially get the choice: everything that just easy to declare goes into UserRepository, everything that’s better implemented manually goes into CustomUserRepository. The customization options are documented here.

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