What’s the difference between “where” clause and “on” clause when table left join?

The where clause applies to the whole resultset; the on clause only applies to the join in question.

In the example supplied, all of the additional conditions related to fields on the inner side of the join – so in this example, the two queries are effectively identical.

However, if you had included a condition on a value in the table in the outer side of the join, it would have made a significant difference.

You can get more from this link: http://ask.sqlservercentral.com/questions/80067/sql-data-filter-condition-in-join-vs-where-clause

For example:

select t1.f1,t2.f2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.f1 = t2.f2 and t2.f4=1

select t1.f1,t2.f2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.f1 = t2.f2 where t2.f4=1

– do different things – the former will left join to t2 records where f4 is 1, while the latter has effectively been turned back into an inner join to t2.

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