When an iOS application goes to the background, are lengthy tasks paused?

From the documentation:

Return from applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) as quickly as possible. Your implementation of this method has approximately five seconds to perform any tasks and return. If the method doesn’t return before time runs out, your app is terminated and purged from memory.

If you need additional time to perform any final tasks, request additional execution time from the system by calling beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:). Call beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:) as early as possible. Because the system needs time to process your request, there’s a chance that the system might suspend your app before that task assertion is granted. For example, don’t call beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:) at the very end of your applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) method and expect your app to continue running.

If the long-running operation you describe above is on the main thread and it takes longer than 5 seconds to finish after your application heads to the background, your application will be killed. The main thread will be blocked and you won’t have a chance to return from -applicationDidEnterBackground: in time.

If your task is running on a background thread (and it really should be, if it’s taking long to execute), that thread appears to be paused if the application returns from -applicationDidEnterBackground: (according to the discussion in this answer). It will be resumed when the application is brought back to the foreground.

However, in the latter case you should still be prepared for your application to be terminated at any time while it’s in the background by cleaning things up on your way to the background.

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