When should “SqlDbType” and “size” be used when adding SqlCommand Parameters?

In my experience, I would make sure I do these things:

  • make sure it’s you that defines the data type for the parameter. ADO.NET does a decent job at guessing, but in some cases, it can be terribly off – so I would avoid this method:

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name").Value = "Bob";
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "Bob");

    Letting ADO.NET guess the type of the parameter by the value passed is tricky, and if it’s off for any reason, those are really tricky bugs to track and find! Imagine what happens when you pass in a DBNull.Value – what datatype should ADO.NET pick for that?

    Just be explicit – say what type it is you want!

  • if you’re using string parameters, make sure to explicitly define the length – so I would avoid this method, too:

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = "Bob";

    If you don’t provide a length, ADO.NET might default to some arbitrary value, or the length of the string passed in as a value, or something else – you’re never quite sure. And if your length doesn’t match what the stored proc really expects, you might see conversion and other unpleasant surprises. So if you define a string, define its length, too!

So in your case, the only approach that really works for me is this one here:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = "Bob";

because it a) defines the data type to use explicitly, and b) defines the length of the string explicitly.

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