Which greedy initializer-list examples are lurking in the Standard Library?

I assume, with your examples for std::vector<int> and std::string you meant to also cover the other containers, e.g., std::list<int>, std::deque<int>, etc. which have the same problem, obviously, as std::vector<int>. Likewise, the int isn’t the only type as it also applies to char, short, long and their unsigned version (possibly a few other integral types, too).

I think there is also std::valarray<T> but I’m not sure if T is allowed to be integral type. Actually, I think these have different semantics:

std::valarray<double>(0.0, 3);
std::valarray<double>{0.0, 3};

There are a few other standard C++ class templates which take an std::initializer_list<T> as argument but I don’t think any of these has an overloaded constructor which would be used when using parenthesis instead of braces.

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