Why are integers immutable in Python?

Making integers mutable would be very counter-intuitive to the way we are used to working with them.

Consider this code fragment:

a = 1       # assign 1 to a
b = a+2     # assign 3 to b, leave a at 1

After these assignments are executed we expect a to have the value 1 and b to have the value 3. The addition operation is creating a new integer value from the integer stored in a and an instance of the integer 2.
If the addition operation just took the integer at a and just mutated it then both a and b would have the value 3.

So we expect arithmetic operations to create new values for their results – not to mutate their input parameters.

However, there are cases where mutating a data structure is more convenient and more efficient. Let’s suppose for the moment that list.append(x) did not modify list but returned a new copy of list with x appended.
Then a function like this:

def foo():
  nums = []
  for x in range(0,10):
  return nums

would just return the empty list. (Remember – here nums.append(x) doesn’t alter nums – it returns a new list with x appended. But this new list isn’t saved anywhere.)

We would have to write the foo routine like this:

def foo():
  nums = []
  for x in range(0,10):
    nums = nums.append(x)
  return nums

(This, in fact, is very similar to the situation with Python strings up until about 2.6 or perhaps 2.5.)

Moreover, every time we assign nums = nums.append(x) we would be copying a list that is increasing in size resulting in quadratic behavior.
For those reasons we make lists mutable objects.

A consequence to making lists mutable is that after these statements:

a = [1,2,3]
b = a

the list b has changed to [1,2,3,4]. This is something that we live with even though it still trips us up now and then.

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