Why can Typescript not figure out the type in my code?

Why the compiler can’t (or won’t) allow those property accesses

Consider the following cases mentioned on this github thread linked in the comments by jcalz:

interface Vec2 {
  x: number
  y: number

interface Vec3 {
  x: number
  y: number
  z: number

const m = { x: 0, y: 0, z: "hello world" };
const n: Vec2 = m; // N.B. structurally m qualifies as Vec2!
function f(x: Vec2 | Vec3) {
  if (x.z) return x.z.toFixed(2); // This fails if z is not a number!
f(n); // compiler must allow this call


Here the author of the code makes an unfortunate assumption that just because a property is present and truthy that it is a certain type. But this is doubly wrong: you could have a falsey value of the correct type (zero or NaN in this case) or a truthy value of a different type.
But there are subtler gotchas:

type Message =
  { kind: "close" } |
  { kind: "data", payload: object }

function handle(m: Message) {
  switch (m.kind) {
    case "close":
      // forgot 'break;' here
    case "data":

This is a scenario where you’d want the compiler to complain about an unintended property access, not just silently propagate undefined. Catching this sort of thing is a big part of why we use static analysis in the first place.

The Typescript compiler is already a marvelous feat of engineering layering a static type system on top of not just a dynamic language but an ultra-dynamic language. What you’re looking for here is called type narrowing, where you take a value that could possibly be more than one type and then narrow it down to a specific type. The TS compiler supports (at least) five different idioms to achieve this:

  1. The instanceof operator.
  2. The typeof operator.
  3. The in operator.
  4. A user-defined type guard.
  5. A discriminated union.

Let’s look at each in turn:


This one works well for user-defined classes:

class A {
  public a: number
  constructor () {
    this.a = 4;

class B {
  public b: number
  constructor () {
    this.b = 5;

type AB = A | B;
function abba(x: AB): number {
  if (x instanceof A) return x.a;
  if (x instanceof B) return x.b;
  return 0;



This one works well for JS primitives (undefined, numbers, strings, booleans, etc).

type snumber = string | number;

function f(x: snumber): string {
  if (typeof x === 'number') {
    return x.toFixed(2); // strings don't have toFixed
  } else {
    return x.repeat(2);  // numbers don't have repeat



This one works well for structurally typed objects:

type A = {
  a: number

type B = {
  b: string

type AB = A | B;

function f(x: AB): number {
  if ('a' in x) return x.a;
  if ('b' in x) return 5;
  return 0;


An astute reader will notice that this has the same problems as the first motivating example above, namely that the existence of a property on an object does not in any way guarantee the type. This was a pragmatic decision on the part of the TS team to allow an uncommon behavior for a simple opt-in idiom of wanting to get either the value or undefined, and much like a cast is an implicit promise that the programmer is taking responsibility for the possible outcome.

User-defined type guards

This works well for just about anything, but is more verbose than the earlier options. This one is straight from the TS Handbook:

function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish { // note the 'is'
  return (pet as Fish).swim !== undefined;

let pet = getSmallPet();

if (isFish(pet)) {
} else {

Discriminated union

This works best when you have a bunch of very similar objects that differ only in the (statically knowable!) value of a single property:

type A = {
  a: string
  kind: 'is-an-a'

type B = {
  b: number
  kind: 'is-a-b'

type AB = A | B;

function f(x: AB): string {
  switch (x.kind) {
    case 'is-an-a': return x.a;
    case 'is-a-b':  return '' + x.b;

Note that you will as I said need to make the discriminant (the kind property in this case) a statically knowable value, usually a string literal or a member of an enum. You can’t use variables, because their values aren’t known at compile-time.


So in summary the Typescript compiler can figure it out, you just have to use an idiom it can statically verify instead of one that it can’t, and it gives you a fair number of options.

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