Why do applets not need a main()?

It is actually good design but not obvious and what you want to do would have no effect so it is a little counter intuitive.

These types of applications live their lives in containers and as such their entry points are determined by the standards those containers must adhere to. The designers of these standards chose not to call the entry point main. You would place your functionality in an overridden method. All applets have the following four methods:

public void init();
public void start();
public void stop();
public void destroy();

They have these methods because their superclass, java.applet.Applet, has these methods.

The superclass does not have anything but dummy code in these:

public void init() {}

If you want to derive a class to extend or change the name of init() you should Implement your class and have your method call init(). This would use polymorphism to let you call the method whatever you like. Unless you are writing servlet container you are likely wasting your time.

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