Why does Go forbid taking the address of (&) map member, yet allows (&) slice element?

There is a major difference between slices and maps: Slices are backed by a backing array and maps are not.

If a map grows or shrinks a potential pointer to a map element may become a dangling pointer pointing into nowhere (uninitialised memory). The problem here is not “confusion of the user” but that it would break a major design element of Go: No dangling pointers.

If a slice runs out of capacity a new, larger backing array is created and the old backing array is copied into the new; and the old backing array remains existing. Thus any pointers obtained from the “ungrown” slice pointing into the old backing array are still valid pointers to valid memory.

If you have a slice still pointing to the old backing array (e.g. because you made a copy of the slice before growing the slice beyond its capacity) you still access the old backing array. This has less to do with pointers of slice elements, but slices being views into arrays and the arrays being copied during slice growth.

Note that there is no “reducing the backing array of a slice” during slice shrinkage.

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