why does javascript getMonth count from 0 and getDate count from 1?

I assume it’s because it would be easier to reference in an array of names, i.e.

var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
         "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];

var d = new Date();

var namedMonth = months[d.getMonth()];

If getMonth() returned 1-12, then programmers would have to do d.getMonth()-1 everytime they wanted a fancy named month.

Days of the month don’t have specific “names” per se. The getDate() returns 1-(28-31). We usually just refer to them by their number.

The same concept as getMonth() applies for getDay() also, which returns 0-6 based on the day of the week

var days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];

var namedDay = days[d.getDay()];

All this returns something like:

console.log("Month: month[" + d.getMonth() + "]: " + namedMonth); 
//Month: month[3]:  April
console.log("Day: days[" + d.getDay() + "]: " + namedDay); 
// Day: days[4] : Thursday 

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