Why does setting ng-model to undefined not make the form/input valid again?

Whenever you use ng-model on an input or select tag, angular internally manages two values for the field, one is $viewValue and other is $modelValue

$viewValue -> Used for display purpose on view

$modelValue-> Actual value which is used inside scope.

When using an input tag with type="email" Angular constantly validates the input value.

And if the value does not validate as a correct email, angular internally will set $modelValue to undefined and will set the form.fieldName.$error.fieldName attribute to true. So that field becomes invalid.

If you check the value of form.fieldName.$modelValue inside the controller you will find it as undefined.

So setting the model to ‘undefined’ in the controller, when the field is already invalid, changes nothing.

But if you set it to null or "" it will work as $modelValue and $viewValue both get changed – making the field valid again.

Hope this has cleared your understanding. Thanks.

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