Why doesn’t simulating a tab keypress move focus to the next input field?

Because the tab event is a native browser event/action for changing focus. The .trigger() function only triggers the event handlers that are assigned to it. Note there is more information given from jQuery’s site:

The .trigger() function cannot be used to mimic native browser events, such as clicking on a file input box or an anchor tag. This is because, there is no event handler attached using jQuery’s event system that corresponds to these events.

There is a plug-in for this though called jquery-simulate to handle this. That being said the tab key changing focus is actually a default action in the web browser. Firing a browsers native event does not mean it will do it’s default action, as the documentation for KeyboardEvents mentions:

Note that manually firing an event does not generate the default action associated with that event. For example, manually firing a key event does not cause that letter to appear in a focused text input. In the case of UI events, this is important for security reasons, as it prevents scripts from simulating user actions that interact with the browser itself.

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