Why React Hook useState uses const and not let

clearly going to be reassigned to a different primitive value

Not really. When the component is rerendered, the function is executed again, creating a new scope, creating a new count variable, which has nothing to do with the previous variable.


let _state;
let _initialized = false;
function useState(initialValue) {
  if (!_initialized) {
    _state = initialValue;
    _initialized = true;
  return [_state, v => _state = v];

function Component() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  setCount(count + 1);

Component(); // in reality `setCount` somehow triggers a rerender, calling Component again
Component(); // another rerender

Note: Hooks are way more sophisticated and are not actually implemented like this. This is just to demonstrate a similar behavior.

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