Why Session object destruction failed


Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed

It’s rather trivial, no session has been started object has been comitted, so you can’t destroy it.

The @ operator is not always active, e.g. with error reporting functions.


1) What causes this error?

This error is normally caused when PHP tries to delete the session file, but it can’t find it.

In your case with session_destroy there is only one place in PHP which causes this. That’s when the session.save_handler (see as well session_set_save_handler) returns FALSE for the destroy action. This can depends which type of save-handler you use, the default one is files. With that one, when the session.save_path setting is wrong (e.g. not an accessible directory), this would cause such an error.

2) Why would the “@” not be suppressing the error?

That depends how the output is created and on PHP configuration. @ does not always work. For example callbacks registered with set_error_handler will still receive these messages.

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