Why should abstract class implement an interface?

It is a standard way of how OOP works. Imagine a class Human. It is of course abstract as there can not be a concrete instance of a human. A concrete implementation could for example be a class Person that requires a name and some other information.

public class Person extends Human {
    String name;
    int age;

A common usage of interfaces is to describe abilities. In our example we could have interfaces like CanWalk, CanBreath, CanJump, NeedsWater, HasGender and so on. In such a case a Human could implement all of these interfaces, it would be perfectly fine.

public abstract class Human implements CanWalk,
    CanBreath, CanJump, NeedsWater, HasGender {

Those interfaces now have methods, like

public interface HasGender {
    String getGender();

and Human may implement them, but as an abstract human has no concrete gender, it may delegate the implementation to its implementing class Person:

public class Person extends Human {
    String name;
    int age;
    String gender;

    public String getGender() {
        return gender;

On the other hand there might be interfaces where Human can offer an implementation, like

public interface NeedsWater {
    int amountOfWaterNeeded();
    void drink(int amount);

public abstract class Human implements CanWalk,
    CanBreath, CanJump, NeedsWater, HasGender {

    public int amountOfWaterNeeded() {
        return 10;

Finally we may have classes that work with interfaces. Like

public class WaterDistributor {
    public void distributeWaterTo(Iterable<NeedsWater> consumers) {
        for (NeedsWater c : consumers) {

And you want to be able to pass your humans to that method, so you need to implement the interface.

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