Why use hex?

In both cases you cite, the bit pattern of the number is important, not the actual number.

For example,
In the first case,
j is going to be 1, then 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and finally 128 as the loop progresses.

In binary, that is,

0000:0001, 0000:0010, 0000:0100, 0000:1000, 0001:0000, 0010:0000, 0100:0000 and 1000:0000.

There’s no option for binary constants in C (until C23) or C++ (until C++14), but it’s a bit clearer in Hex:
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, and 0x80.

In the second example,
the goal was to remove the lower two bytes of the value.
So given a value of 1,234,567,890 we want to end up with 1,234,567,168.
In hex, it’s clearer: start with 0x4996:02d2, end with 0x4996:0000.

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