Why would the behavior of std::memcpy be undefined for objects that are not TriviallyCopyable?

Why would the behavior of std::memcpy itself be undefined when used with non-TriviallyCopyable objects?

It’s not! However, once you copy the underlying bytes of one object of a non-trivially copyable type into another object of that type, the target object is not alive. We destroyed it by reusing its storage, and haven’t revitalized it by a constructor call.

Using the target object – calling its member functions, accessing its data members – is clearly undefined[basic.life]/6, and so is a subsequent, implicit destructor call[basic.life]/4 for target objects having automatic storage duration. Note how undefined behavior is retrospective. [intro.execution]/5:

However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this
International Standard places no requirement on the implementation
executing that program with that input (not even with regard to
operations preceding the first undefined operation

If an implementation spots how an object is dead and necessarily subject to further operations that are undefined, … it may react by altering your programs semantics. From the memcpy call onward. And this consideration gets very practical once we think of optimizers and certain assumptions that they make.

It should be noted that standard libraries are able and allowed to optimize certain standard library algorithms for trivially copyable types, though. std::copy on pointers to trivially copyable types usually calls memcpy on the underlying bytes. So does swap.
So simply stick to using normal generic algorithms and let the compiler do any appropriate low-level optimizations – this is partly what the idea of a trivially copyable type was invented for in the first place: Determining the legality of certain optimizations. Also, this avoids hurting your brain by having to worry about contradictory and underspecified parts of the language.

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