Windows authentication in 5

Mark’s answer is still valid in ASP.Net RC1. There are some additional steps to tie it all together (I don’t have enough reputation to comment on his solution):

  1. Install WebListener from NuGet
  2. Add the following usings to Startcup.cs:

    using Microsoft.AspNet.Http.Features;
    using Microsoft.Net.Http.Server;
  3. Add Mark’s code snippet in the Configure method before app.UseMvc:

    // If we're self-hosting, enable integrated authentication (if we're using
    // IIS, this will be done at the IIS configuration level).
    var listener = app.ServerFeatures.Get<WebListener>();
    if (listener != null)
        listener.AuthenticationManager.AuthenticationSchemes = 
  4. To debug this, you need to add the WebListener run target in project.json, as Mark noted in a different answer:

    "commands": {
      "weblistener": "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.WebListener --config hosting.ini",
      "web": "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel"
  5. Pick weblistener instead of IIS Express of web (Kestrel) to debug your application.

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