xarray select nearest lat/lon with multi-dimension coordinates

A bit late to the party here, but I’ve come back to this question multiple times. If your x and y coordinates are in a geospatial coordinate system, you can transform the lat/lon point to that coordinate system using cartopy. Constructing the cartopy projection is usually straightforward if you look at the metadata from the netcdf.

import cartopy.crs as ccrs

# Example - your x and y coordinates are in a Lambert Conformal projection
data_crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-100)

# Transform the point - src_crs is always Plate Carree for lat/lon grid
x, y = data_crs.transform_point(-122.68, 21.2, src_crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Now you can select data
ds.sel(x=x, y=y)

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