Access to fetch at has been blocked by CORS

The authentication flow must happen in a visible browsing context, not with a fetch request. In other words: You must navigate the current tab to (or open a new tab at) http://localhost:8000/api/mail/login, the tab will then be redirected to and this page becomes visible. Now the user must interact with that page to choose/confirm their Google account, after which they will be redirected to a page on your server with an authorization code in the URL (for example, http://localhost:8000/callback?code=…) and your server must exchange the authorization code for an access token with a server-to-server call.

When made like this, none of the requests made is cross-origin, so no CORS will be involved at all.

Instead of the handleClick function, you need a login form like

<form action="http://localhost:8000/api/mail/login" method="post">
  <input type="submit" value="Press to log in"/>

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