react router difference between component and render

The source code tells the difference:

if (component)
  return match ? React.createElement(component, props) : null

if (render)
  return match ? render(props) : null

When you use component prop, the component is instantiated per every call of Route#render. It means that, for your component that you pass to component prop of Route, constructor, componentWillMount, and componentDidMount will be executed every time the route is rendered.

For example, if you have

<Route path="/:locale/store" component={Store} />

and the user navigates to /en/store, then goes elsewhere, and then navigates back to /en/store, the Store component will be mounted, then unmounted, and then mounted again. It is similar to doing

<Route path="/:locale/store">
  <Store />

Compared to that, if you use render prop, the component is evaluated on every Route#render. Remember that every component is a function? This function will be executed as is, without any lifecycle methods. So when you have it like

<Route path="/:locale/store" render={Store} />

you can think of it as

<Route path="/:locale/store">

It saves you runtime because no lifecycle methods are run, but it also has a downside in case Store component has some post-mount lifecycle methods like shouldComponentUpdate that may increase performance as well.

There was a good post on Medium about this performance hack, please take a look at it. It’s written very well and is applicable to React 16, too.

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